Safety rules

We have compiled the following decalogue for our clients to know that their safety is always in the first place. Read the principles of our decalogue through and take advice from our instructors during your stay in the rope centre. Our rope centre = safe adrenalin in the Bohemian Paradise.

1. The rope centre SUNDISK was built in accordance with the internationally valid standards of ACCT (Association for Challenge Course Technology).

2. The rope centre is maintained and inspected on a regular basis – at least once a week. The inspection is following the international standards. A complex revision, performed by an external company, is carried out every year, including the whole centre and all the material used.

3. All the clients in the centre are always accompanied by certified instructors, who were trained in accordance with the methodology accredited by MŠMT.

4. During the programme “The adventure in paradise” there is one instructor for the maximum of eight people.

5. During the programme “The adventure in paradise” is used the system of the reserve securement.

6. You are obliged to use the helmets on majority of the obstacles.

7. We solely use the whole-body bindings and snap-hooks with safety lock.

8. We solely use the material certified for usage in rope centres.

9. You are not forced to do anything during your stay in the rope centre. Our instructors will just motivate you to overstep your own limits.

10. Our motto is: “Safe adrenalin”.

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